Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Project Insect - Collaborative learning


Attracting Insect

Following M's interest in the stag beetle,  our room had a lot of activities investigating into insects, M got the children's iPad and researched more into the stag beetle, learning how it moves and it's habitat.

Then someone found a dead bee and a group of children took a closer look.


The children started looking for different insects in our garden, sometimes they looked really hard but couldn't find any insects.  

M and E had an idea!  

They put some water and a leaf in the explorer lens,

 'the insect can drink water from this,' E said.

 'I put a leaf so the insect will come,' M added.

M collaborate with his friends to make sense of his interest and the living world. They explore, find answers, and discuss their findings.

Keep an open mind and let M explore, provide more opportunities to learn about M interest and possibly show what he had learned.


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